Friday, May 15, 2015

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - May 2015

What a relief. A long, hard, snowy winter, even by New England standards, a challenging semester at work and now, finally, it's spring like weather and summer break (I love being a lecturing professor!) and my garden is full of blooms. Here's a sampling.

 All these irises are from Rainbow Iris Farm
Want something out of the ordinary? This is the place to go.
I wish I had room for more...

Guess which bulb got in the wrong bag...

Very fragrant Viburnum - can you smell it from there?

Some annuals. I have a lot of pots around the yard that I fill with annuals. These are just a sample.

And my volunteers. The "wild" violets that I allow to grow as a cheerful ground cover.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams for this meme.


  1. Beautiful! I especially like the Irises and Tulips
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. The golden and the white iris are really standouts -- somewhat unusual and would look great with my tulips. i assume these are the shorter type.

  3. Just beautiful much blooming in your garden and those irises are beautiful!

  4. I enjoyed your tulip combinations! I contemplate Tulip planting for months! Thanks for sharing
