Monday, September 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day Sept. 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day snuck up on me this month so all of these pictures were taken early this morning, before I left for work. At least you know I'm being honest about what's blooming in my garden today ;)!

This time of year my garden is winding down. I have a few plants that flower specifically in the fall but I'm mostly dependent on long-term bloomers, annuals and pots. First up: the new bloomers.

OK, so Aster (Symphotrichium?) oblongifolium 'October Skies' is not quite blooming yet. It's just starting but once it gets going it will be COVERED in blooms for over a month. 

Last fall I planted this Clematis terniflora Sweet Autumn Clematis along the chain link portion of our fence. I wasn't sure how it would do since I bought it on sale and got it in the ground late. It survived. I bet it will be really showy next fall.

My last fall specific bloomer is already fading -  Allium tuberosum or garlic chives. This one has a wasp who spent the night still on the bloom. It's so cold this morning that I could probably safely pet her, but I restrained myself.

Next up are my long-term bloomers. These are plants that have bloomed since at least mid-summer and are still going.

Gaura. This starts blooming pretty early and goes until frost.

Scabiosa. An under utilized small perennial that blooms from spring through frost. It is a short lived plant and, in my garden, tends to get overgrown by more aggressive plants but what a bloom period!

This Rudbeckia fulgida, black eyed susan, is still going strong. It's new to my garden this year. I know these can be very aggressive but it's planted in the back yard so it has to be tough to survive the abuse of dogs running straight through it and digging around the roots.

Another very long term bloomer is Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low.' It seemed to take a break between early blooming and now but it's doing pretty good.

Both of my Hydrangea  bushes are starting to fade.  Hydrangea paniculata iforgotus on top and the lacecap Lady in Red (maybe) on bottom.

Re-blooms on one of my Heucheras.

A volunteer Agastache.

Late planted Lavender hidcote.

Wow I really do have a lot more blooming than I realized... That means I can save the photos of annuals and potted plants for another post!

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams for this meme and for helping me realize that my garden isn't as done  for the year as I thought.


  1. You have lovely things in bloom. I love the clematis. I haven' t seen that one in the UK. It' s gorgeous. Gaura is fantastic, it just goes on and on.

  2. Hi, Chloris, The clematis is nice in the fall. It's fragrant, too. But if you decide to search it out be aware that it gets pretty big. Mine is planted in less than ideal conditions (too much shade) and is only one year old!
