Monday, January 2, 2012

Looking Ahead, Looking Back

Last year was a busy year here on The Edge.  I switched from a part time job to a full time job.  This is important since it interfered with my blogging.  I teach at a community college and last semester I was developing a new class so after spending all day on the computer (doing research and preparing lectures) I didn't want to come home and spend more time on the computer. This semester I'm teaching another class I've never taught before so...  I think that bodes poorly for the next semester here on the Edge of the Blogiverse.

Add that to my typical 1-2 year burn out period for each hobby and...

Still, one purpose for this blog was to improve my writing and photography skills.  I don't think it's done much for my photography so I guess I need to keep it up and focus more on that aspect.  Don't expect much during the winter/spring emester (when my garden is covered in snow anyway) but maybe during the summer.

I may also branch out into more biology.  That's what I teach and there is always so much more cool biology out there than I have time to talk about during lecture.  I could post that here.

In conclusion...  Well, there is no conclusion.  Just rambling.  I'm not sure where this blog is going - forward or off into the dust.  

In the meantime please go and encourage Mr Subjunctive at PATSP to keep up his blog.  He's also in a burn out phase and I'd hate to see his blog fade away.


  1. Technically, I think the burn-out phase is over, and now we're into the slowly-try-to-remember-how-to-do-this-again-though-maybe-at-a-slightly-more-reasonable-pace phase. If it matters.

    And I'd support more biology posting at GOTE, if you're taking a survey.

  2. I know how you feel...I think we all go through those periods of exasperation, lack of inspiration, and shortages of time. Just keep it up...eventually you'll get your game back ;-)
