Monday, November 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

It's November.  We've had our first major frost here on The Edge and we are on the edge - the edge of Winter.  There are still a few hardy plants putting out blooms and these are blooms to cherish.  The last blooms before GBBD turns into House Plant Bloom Day.

My reliable Scabiosa Butterfly Blue

The last of the Gaura

One remaining bloom on Aster(Symphotrichium) oblongifolia October Skies

The Aster (Symphotrichium) oblongifolia Raydon's Favorite is still going strong.

A lone stalk of Agastache (Heat Wave) is still blooming.

Same with the Salvia nemerosa (May Night)

And then there are the reliable fall bloomers.  A few ragged blooms left on the mums.

Lastly the Pansies.  These will bloom until buried by the snow and then they'll come back in the spring to bloom some more.  Gotta love a plant that's that tough!

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for this meme.


  1. Beautiful photos. I love the colour of the agastache.

  2. Looked like you had a color theme going until the last two photos...great plants here.

  3. Aren't pansies wonderful! You've really caught the beauty of the last of the summer lovelies.

  4. I love pansies at this time of year, so reliable, shining those happy little faces. I like all the blue in the garden too.

  5. The gauras really do make fantastic subjects for photos don't they?! L

  6. Nice post...gotta love those plants that are tough enough to keep going through the first frosts...I really love the beautiful!

  7. Pretty blossoms. I love seeing pansies peeking out of snow!
