Monday, November 22, 2010

Sabbatical on The Edge

You may have noticed fewer than normal posts for the last month or so.  I've got a delightful middle ear infection that allows me to go on my own personal roller coaster rides.  Translated?  I've got a persistent viral infection that gives me vertigo (have you ever had motion sickness?).  Computer use seems to make my symptoms worse so I've been limiting my computer time as much as possible.  I had hoped this would be short lived but it isn't.  The symptoms are easing but very slowly.  I expect to be fully recovered by, oh, next year.  Hopefully sooner.  This is just to let ya'll know that I'm not abandoning you.  I'll be back!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

It's November.  We've had our first major frost here on The Edge and we are on the edge - the edge of Winter.  There are still a few hardy plants putting out blooms and these are blooms to cherish.  The last blooms before GBBD turns into House Plant Bloom Day.

My reliable Scabiosa Butterfly Blue

The last of the Gaura

One remaining bloom on Aster(Symphotrichium) oblongifolia October Skies

The Aster (Symphotrichium) oblongifolia Raydon's Favorite is still going strong.

A lone stalk of Agastache (Heat Wave) is still blooming.

Same with the Salvia nemerosa (May Night)

And then there are the reliable fall bloomers.  A few ragged blooms left on the mums.

Lastly the Pansies.  These will bloom until buried by the snow and then they'll come back in the spring to bloom some more.  Gotta love a plant that's that tough!

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for this meme.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

The title of today's post is:

First Frost



Yes, it's November and here in New England we just got our first real frost on The Edge.  Wow.

I'm keeping this short and sweet because I really should be preparing for a BIG BIG presentation tomorrow.  Don't tell The Husband (or The Queen Bee) that I'm playing around in the garden.  

It's stress reducing.  I'm just trying to get my mind in the right place to get started.  Really.